Warm up
Squat – knees over feet
Lunge – no knee collapse, raise arms so hand pointing up
Wide stance (skiers) lunge – shoulders align with knees
Hip openers – lift knee up then pull open leg with hand, other hand acts as balance. Then continue without the hands.
Glut Stretch – pull leg up at angle to feel stretch
Leg Swings – back and forth – keep in straight line
Roll – roll from side to side by moving ankles and feet
Hip activation – half squat, legs together. Raise one foot then swing it out to the side as you raise up.
One leg fingertip touch – raise knee up then swing leg back and straighten it as you bend forward, touching ground with fingertips
Under body stretch – high press up position, lift bum up the reach under body to touch opposite knee. Work down shin as to deepen stretch.
Starts with core
- With hands and knees on ground, lift one hand up 10cm and hold. Need to engage core to do correctly
- Now raise one arm up, pointing forwards (superman position). Body must be stable for this to work properly.
- Now do same thing with one leg. Do not lift too high, so that body arches.
- Now do opposite arm and leg
Floor Work
- Lie on back, table top position(knees bent at 90 degrees). Arm pointing up. Stretch one leg out straight and then back into position. Then do other leg. The drop one arm to floor behind head then up, repeat for other arm. Advanced move is to move both arms and legs together.
Side lying floor work.
- Gluteus Medius knee raises (Clams) – advanced move is to keep feet a bit apart.
- Same position, straighten leg and lift up and down vertically, then change to small circles, then big circles
Part 2 – Gluteus Medius
- Hold body sideways (sideways plank), lying on forearm and shin. Then try to straighten top leg. Push other arm out straight. Can try tucking it under body for further stretch.
- Arm and leg straighten and then tuck together
- Leg and arm straighten perpendicular – raise until in the body plane
- Lie on back, tuck one leg up then lift pelvis off floor, then pushing on heel to raises. Should feel it in the glut. Keep hands on hips to check there is no loss of stability
Stomach on the floor
- Bend knees at 90 degrees, heels together. Push hands forward the pull back, with slight chest lift. Add on arm lifts vertically, straight in front of body or out to the side.
- Elbows at side and push up – do not return fully to ground, hold then lift up again
Side Plank
- With knee on floor, reach arm under body – 2 x 15 sec
- Now lift to feet on floor – repeat stretch
- Hold for 1 minute
Lower Body Strength
- Wall sit – 1 min
- Feet together, slight crouch – lift foot off floor a little and hold for 30 seconds
Part 1
Six exercises - 50 seconds of work, 10 seconds recovery
Part 2
Eight exercises, 4 minutes of work in intervals of 20 second on, 10 sec recovery
Part 1
- Air Squat
- Lunge – progression is to reach forward with straight arm
- Leg Dip – legs together, lift one foot a little then dip – drive up straight with a high knee.
- Skiers Lunge
- Mountain Runners – do not arch back. Variation is to rotate leg under body.
- Back Lunge – stand up and lunge on to leg going behind you.
Part 2
All done quickly but must maintain form
- Skiers lunge – faster
- Squats – high intensity
- Back Lunge
- Forward Lunge
- Speed skater – squat with leg pushed back and to the side, then up. Swap sides with a drive
- Squat – touch ground when down then stand with arms above head.
- Single leg dip – touch heel in front then leg back to touch toe
- Scissor jumps – one leg forward, the other back into lunge- then drive up and swap legs and back into lunge.